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Upgrade Policy

Old software doesn't have to stay that way

If you register an Alchemy Mindworks software product, you're welcome to no-cost downloads of updated releases of the software in question for as long as the current major revision remains current. For example, if you registered Graphic Workshop Professional 16 revision 1 and the current release is Graphic Workshop Professional 16 revision 4, we invite you to download said current release and install it.

To determine the current version and revision of one of our applications, please visit its web page and view the DOWNLOAD section. The version information is stated just before the big red DOWNLOAD buttons.

You can determine the version and revision numbers of your Alchemy Mindworks software by selecting About from its Help menu. Right-click and select About from the menu that appears for The Ultimate Screen Clock and Pagan Daybook.

We hasten to add — should you discover your yourself to be the victim of really unfortunate timing — that were you to register, for example, Graphic Workshop Professional 16 fewer than 90 days prior to the release of Graphic Workshop Professional 17, we'd be pleased to offer you an upgrade to Graphic Workshop Professional 17 for free. That's "free" as in "no money down, no interest or carrying charges and no payments until the end of time." [1]

Older Software

If you are currently running an Alchemy Mindworks application that's older than version 16, it may be eligible for a reduced-price upgrade to the corresponding version 16 application... depending on the degree of "older" involved.

You can upgrade your Alchemy Mindworks software on line at our secure server e-commerce page or by calling our toll-free order desk at 1-800-263-1138. You can also upgrade on line with PayPal.

The e-commerce page includes mention of the current half-price upgrade window.

Please be sure to use the SOFTWARE UPGRADES section of the e-commerce page if you're ordering an upgrade, so you'll be charged the reduced price.

Upgrades from older versions of our software still within the current upgrade window are available for half the current new single-user license price.

If you do choose to upgrade your registration, you will:

  • Have access to the new functionality, bug fixes and security releases of our current software.
  • Enjoy the sleep of the just, knowing that you've done something noble and lofty.
  • Support the further development of the software you've registered, so there'll be still more new features and enhancements available to download in the future.
  • Help keep software prices reasonable.
  • Protect your still-beating heart, in the event that our leather-winged demon of the night... keep reading... didn't get the memo about the whole upgrade thing.

In the event that you encounter an upgrade reminder when you reinstall an older Alchemy Mindworks application, click on Go from the window in question to visit our e-commerce page and upgrade your software. You can ignore the stated upgrade window at the e-commerce page in this case — the page will process your half-price upgrade no matter how ancient your original registration is.

Plugins: We don't ask users of the plugins for Alchemy Mindworks software to upgrade the registrations for their plugins, as improvements to the plugins are typically limited to bug fixes, rather than genuine new functionality. We hope you'll consider upgrading the registrations of whatever your plugins are plugged into.

Software upgrade message: If you install an update for a registered Alchemy Mindworks application, your software may display an upgrade reminder like the one shown here when you exit the software for the first time after upgrading. This message requests that you upgrade your registration if you haven't done so recently.

We hasten to note that this is a request in the literal rather than politically-correct euphemistic sense of the word. If you choose not to heed this request, the software will not cease to function; small-minded men with bad photo-ID will not storm your dwelling at two in the morning and confiscate your socks; the hitherto referenced leather-winged demon of the night will not tear itself, shrieking blood and fury, from the endless caverns of the nether world, hurl itself into the darkness with a thirst for blood on its slavering fangs and search the very threads of time for the throbbing of your heartbeat, ultimately ripping said organ from your chest and devouring it while you draw your final breath in unspeakable terror. At least, it's reasonably unlikely.

Should you have registered or last upgraded your registration some time ago, and if you've found the new functionality and performance improvements in the periodic no-cost downloadable updates useful, we hope you'll consider upgrading your registration.

[1] Upgrade Period: Registered users of any current-version Alchemy Mindworks software are welcome to no-cost downloadable updates for the current major version of that product for a minimum of 90 days after registering or upgrading a registration, or for the remaining life of the current major version, whichever turns out to be longer.

In the event that we release a new major version within 90 days of your registration or upgrade, we'll provide you with a no-cost upgrade to the new software. Note that no-cost upgrades spanning major revision levels are available for a limited time after their release, and we are unable to processes no-cost upgrade requests after this window has closed. To be notified of new releases of our software products, we recommend that you enable the Up To Date notification agent installed with your software, subscribe to our e-mail update mailing list, or... if you want to be sure you're on top of things... both.